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Recorded sessions from the 2021 IFFPSS Global Summit of Facial Plastic Surgery.
This set of recorded sessions of continuous lectures, presented by some of the best facial plastic surgeons from around the globe. This Package does not offer any CME. Select his package for access to 91 recorded sessions without CME.
- Non-member - $145
- Member - $145
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 10/27/2017
Advances in Hair Restoration -Yael Halaas, MD
2017 AAFPRS Annual Meeting Video Clips - Advances in Hair Restoration -Yael Halaas, MD Yael Halaas
- Non-member - Free!
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 01/01/2007
Aligning the Stars: A History of Modern Rhinoplasty - Robert L. Simons, MD
Aligning the Stars A History of Modern Rhinoplasty Robert L. Simons
- Non-member - Free!
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 01/01/1976
Angulated Transposition Flaps - Richard Webster, MD
Angulated Transposition Flaps for medical students, resident and new physicians. Richard Webster
- Non-member - $49
- Member - Free!
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 01/01/2000
Arcus Marginalis Release & Orbital Fat Repositioning - Robert Goldberg, MD
Dr. Goldberg demonstrates his technique for AMR and fat repositioning through a transconjunctival approach. The tape continues as Dr. Goldberg performs an endoscopic midface lift. After patient analysis, utilizing a temporal incision, Dr. Goldberg demonstrates his technique for an endoscopically assisted midface lift using a combination of endoscopic and external views. Pre and postoperative results are shown. Finally, Dr. Goldberg concludes this tape with a SOOF lift with lateral canthoplasty after patient analysis; Dr. Goldberg demonstrates his technique for SOOF lift utilizing a combination of endoscopic and external views. Pre and post operative comparisons are made. Robert A. Goldberg
- Non-member - $130
- Member - $90
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 03/30/2004
Asian Blepharoplasty - Robert Goldberg, MD
In this DVD, Dr. Goldberg performs a closed blepharoplasty on an Asian patient. He demonstrates his technique for reforming an upper eyelid crease using a non-incisional mattress suture. There is no skin excision; sutures are passed in a form similar to the trail left by a downhill skier. The procedure is done under local anesthesia. Pre and postoperative photos are shown. Robert A. Goldberg
- Non-member - $130
- Member - $90
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 01/01/2006
Autologous Fat Grafting & Facial Rejuvenation - Thomas L. Tzikas, MD
Autologous fat grafting is a method of rejuvenating the face with soft tissue augmentation. The procedure is very artistic and technique dependent especially in knowing where to inject the fat and how much to inject in order to obtain natural and long term results. The harvesting and injection techniques should also be minimally traumatic. In this DVD, Dr. Tzikas steps the viewer through a pre-op analysis, fat harvesting and injection techniques. He clearly demonstrates areas for fat harvesting and fat injection. He explains the reasons for these choices. He discusses the amount of fat to inject in specific regions of the face. Pre and post operative photos are shown at the conclusion of the case. This menu driven DVD is divided into: a general concepts overview (based on a presentation he gave at the Fall Meeting of the AAFPRS in 2005), pre-operative analysis, marking, fat harvesting, fat separation & preparation, injections and pre-postoperative comparisons. Thomas L. Tzakis
- Non-member - $130
- Member - $90
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 01/01/2000
Bi-Plane Forehead Lift, Shan Baker, MD
This technique describes an endoscopic assisted forehead lift accomplished through two separate dissection planes. Subcutaneous dissection of a limited region of the forehead is performed through a pretrichial incision. Sub-facial and subperiosteal dissection by direct and endoscopic visualization releases the attachment of the brows from the bony orbital rim. Subsequent imbrication of the frontalis muscle provides brow elevation and skin excision without wound closure tension. The Bi-Plane forehead lift provides a method of excising redundant forehead skin with concomitant preservation of scalp sensory enervation. Shan Baker
- Non-member - $130
- Member - $90
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 01/01/2006
Chin/Pre-Jowl Implant & Submalar (Midface) Augmentation - William J. Binder, MD
Dr. Binder’s two patients are female and a male. The female wishes to have more fullness in her cheeks and a reduction of the early jowling that is present. The male patient wishes to have an existing chin/mandible implant removed as it is ill fitting and shows. Dr. Binder takes us through the pre-operative evaluation, markings and anesthesia for a chin, pre-jowl, submalar and malar implant. A malar implant is demonstrated but not placed in either patient. On the male he demonstrates removal and replacement of a new implant using a unique retrograde approach in combination with an anterior approach through a chin incision. In both cases, chin incisions, making pockets, intraoral incisions and submalar pockets are demonstrated. This nearly bloodless dissection illustrates how careful use of proper instruments aids in successful outcome. Attention of paid to anatomy, particularly the mental and infraorbital nerves. Dr. Binder carefully controls the limits of dissection through the use of the “Smart Hand Technique”. Submalar implants are kept in place with an externally tied suture around rolled dental gauze. Dressings are shown and highlighted with application of a compression mask which significantly reduces post operative swelling. This DVD is menu driven enabling the view to select desired portions of the surgery. William Binder
- Non-member - $130
- Member - $90
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 10/27/2017
Combinations are King - Andrew Campbell, MD
2017 AAFPRS Annual Meeting Video Clips - Combinations are King - Andrew Campbell, MD Andrew Campbell
- Non-member - Free!
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