Autologous Fat Grafting & Facial Rejuvenation - Catalog 804
Recorded On: 01/01/2006
- Non-member - $130
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Autologous fat grafting is a method of rejuvenating the face with soft tissue augmentation. The procedure is very artistic and technique dependent especially in knowing where to inject the fat and how much to inject in order to obtain natural and long term results. The harvesting and injection techniques should also be minimally traumatic. In this DVD, Dr. Tzikas steps the viewer through a pre-op analysis, fat harvesting and injection techniques. He clearly demonstrates areas for fat harvesting and fat injection. He explains the reasons for these choices. He discusses the amount of fat to inject in specific regions of the face. Pre and post operative photos are shown at the conclusion of the case. This menu driven DVD is divided into: a general concepts overview (based on a presentation he gave at the Fall Meeting of the AAFPRS in 2005), pre-operative analysis, marking, fat harvesting, fat separation & preparation, injections and pre-postoperative comparisons. |

Thomas L. Tzakis

Autologous Fat Grafting & Facial Rejuvenation - Thomas L. Tzikas, MD
Recorded 01/01/2006
Recorded 01/01/2006
Autologous fat grafting is a method of rejuvenating the face with soft tissue augmentation. The procedure is very artistic and technique dependent especially in knowing where to inject the fat and how much to inject in order to obtain natural and long term results. The harvesting and injection techniques should also be minimally traumatic. In this DVD, Dr. Tzikas steps the viewer through a pre-op analysis, fat harvesting and injection techniques. He clearly demonstrates areas for fat harvesting and fat injection. He explains the reasons for these choices. He discusses the amount of fat to inject in specific regions of the face. Pre and post operative photos are shown at the conclusion of the case. This menu driven DVD is divided into: a general concepts overview (based on a presentation he gave at the Fall Meeting of the AAFPRS in 2005), pre-operative analysis, marking, fat harvesting, fat separation & preparation, injections and pre-postoperative comparisons.